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Two photomultipliers operate in coincidence to reject spurious noise.
•To ameliorate the unfavourable effects of ...
•If a molecule of water is eliminated between two hydroxyl groups ...
•How to banish noise and hum in high-fidelity sets.
•Bend the lens to cancel the spherical aberration .
•We should clear away this difficulty.
•Determine whether these faults can be corrected.
•This feature does away with the need for costly servocontrols.
•The installation of a waste-heat boiler eliminates the need of some other equipment.
•Standard forms of boiler and heating surface may be used, thus obviating the need for expensive special plants.
•Some of the bad effects of copper in the steel can be overcome by the addition of nickel.
•Such icing is dealt with by heating the intake air.
•The part is polished to remove the blemishes acquired during ...
•To place the magnets properly so as to remove part of the deviation, ...
Русско-английский научно-технический словарь переводчика. Михаил Циммерман, Клавдия Веденеева. 2003.